
Without Beating The Street

I see you're taking a look at Ardyss Body Magic and you are smart to do so. Thousands of individuals have read my reviews on different companies that they have be researching to get a better understanding from third party that they can trust. Therefore I hope this article on Ardyss International (Body Magic) helps you as well. Ardyss Body Magic is an awesome MLM company with a great track record.Ardyss International was formed in 1991 by the great Diaz de Leon Family. Comprised of some of the most talented & experience individuals to form a powerhouse team that would improve the health & financial problems for thousands of individuals.Through out to past 19 years Ardyss International has evolved into a major player in the health & wellness direct sales industry. Ardyss has cutting edge technology meaning their awsome body shaping suit that allows individuals to Nail Sticker look 3-4 time smaller.Arydss uses what is called the power of five comp. system. Meaning if you know only 5 people that can benefit from helping others look & feel better than you have a team. All you have to do is duplicate your efforts. The encourage the 5 individuals you sponsor to get 5 and your organization will grow.Ardyss Body Magic top leaders are not using the old school marketing techniques the company suggests.Internet as a lead generating powerhouse.Why because Ardyss Body Magic are teaching old school techniques to their new distributors. Like pitching their business to everyone who passes them, holding Nail Polish home meeting, hotel meeting, handing out fliers, business cards etc.Honestly some of these techniques works but very, very little but professionals know how to market. The top reps understands that you have to plug into a system that allows you to BRAND yourself not Ardyss Body Magic .The top reps has their own personal websites outside of Ardyss Body Magic ’s company replicated website. They also has a sales funnel in place that allows them to generate a massive amount of income even if someone say’s NO to their business. Top reps are not pitching their primary business in the front end. They are giving Value on the front end and flipping the new distributors into their business on the backend. Their using Video Marketing, Article Marketing, Pay Per Click, Social Media etc to drive massive amounts of Targeted Leads to their website. Top earners understands that…People will signed up into your business because of You and the VALUE you have NOT your Arydss Body Magic business.It's because of this reason alone that the only thing you should be promoting on the front-end is YOU and the value YOU bring to the table. This is what is going to differentiate you from the MILLIONS of other network marketers out there who are foolishly marketing a company replicated website and acting like every other sleazy salesman on the internet..This is why 97% of network marketers Fail97% of network marketers have no idea how to market. They can't generate their own leads and even if they could they'd be targeting the wrong people! They push their Network Marketing Business to no end and repel their #1 target market... this isn't rocket science here! If you want to get results in your Ardyss Body Magic business then it's time to learn how the 3% runs theirs!

